viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Paulownia - una alternativa a los citricos. Campo de mi amigo Paco de Ecofoc.

Broad beans planted in the middle of the rows as a second crop and a great source of nitrogen.
Habas plantado como segunda cosecha y una fuente de nitrógeno, que listo.

Avoiding Ceratitis damage. Soluciòn para la mosca mediterranea.

Covering up is about the only way I know to protect crops from the dreaded mediterranean fruit fly. On the peach trees I generally use a net, but this year there`s not a lot of fruit so I used wax coated paper bags (from the local agriculture co-op). I also did a final "thinning" of the peaches taking off any damged fruit and surplus fruits.. I have covered up the pommegranets, too, as last year they were all gubbed.