martes, 30 de abril de 2013

la huerta 4

La Huerta 2013
Unas cositas en el patio
Some pots in the small patio

A ver que puedo hacer con 4m² de terraza.
Let's see what we can do with 4 square metres of patio.

So far 2 red cherry tomatoes plants, 1 yellow mini plum tomatoe (seed from Mallorca - Gracias a Tomeu Morro), red curly lettuce, green cos lettuce, 2 types of radish, greek basil to keep the mosquitos away, a couple of dhalias ( the tubers are edible) and I am a sucker for their showy flowers, 1 chilli pepper, 1 ñora pepper and some corriander. To be continued.

la huerta 2013 parte 3

La Huerta 2013

The produce

Un poco de todo

la huerta 2013 continued

La Huerta 2013 continued.

Lettuce garlic onions koli-rabano and spinach.
Lechuga ajo cebollas y koli-rabanos y espinacas.

Los pimientos con su casita termal.
Peppers protected with termal fleece.

Courgettes with ground cover plastic to stop mildew splash
Calabazas con plastic para ayudar contra el mildeu.

La Huerta 2013
Sembrando rabanos
Radishes sown

Tomates- semilleros de pepinos salvia oregano marjoram lechugas puerros calcots koli-rabano calabazin calabazas alfabaga nicotiana calendulas cilantro maize perejil.

 Perejil y espinacas.
Parsley and spinach grown planters.

Greek basil - Albahaca griego

Rabanos y lechuga rizada roca
Red curly lettuce and radishes.

2013 and Cancer

Hello again to Blogland.
I have not beeen near "blog world", as in September of 2012 I was diagnosed as having an aggresive throat cancer that needed serious and immediate intervention. Oops I thought !
Now some 6 months on after surgery chemiotherapy and radiotherapy it is time to take tentative steps back into full scale life.

Some professional changes have been made already. The maintenance side of the business has been sold on to a local Spanish firm and they still offer the same reliable service as ever. The enforced change of life has made me think about the things that motivate me and make me tick and to give these things priority, hence I will concentrate only on design orientatd projects as it is what I do best and enjoy most. I will miss the regular contact with many long-standing clients, but then many have become freinds.

The "green" side of GreenIdeas carries on as ever in the production of top quality worm castings and worms from local sourced spent coffee grounds.

To be continued