viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2013

Paulownia - una alternativa a los citricos. Campo de mi amigo Paco de Ecofoc.

Broad beans planted in the middle of the rows as a second crop and a great source of nitrogen.
Habas plantado como segunda cosecha y una fuente de nitrógeno, que listo.

Avoiding Ceratitis damage. Soluciòn para la mosca mediterranea.

Covering up is about the only way I know to protect crops from the dreaded mediterranean fruit fly. On the peach trees I generally use a net, but this year there`s not a lot of fruit so I used wax coated paper bags (from the local agriculture co-op). I also did a final "thinning" of the peaches taking off any damged fruit and surplus fruits.. I have covered up the pommegranets, too, as last year they were all gubbed.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2013

Frangipani -

This is my pride of joy (at the moment).
Orgullosa de haber crecido este bicho.

Reign the rain - for a while.

The end of  August is here and the first rains have appeard. The ground desperately needed it. The beds are mainly depleted and it is time to start again. Time to sow - the mediterranean has it's joys, like two seasons a year. It was kind of strange to start with, coming from Scotland which has one shortish season per year. August here is like February there, the garden goes to sleep in a manner of speaking. Sure the summer stuff rippens up, but new growth is none and the bestial heat tolls it's price.

jueves, 11 de julio de 2013

Como va la huerta en general - bastante contento ando. The veg garden - 'tis in fine condition if I say so myself.

Some photos of general progress. Algunas fotos del progreso de la huerta.

24 tomatoes in one go.
